LAC - Letsopa Advice Centre
LAC stands for Letsopa Advice Centre
Here you will find, what does LAC stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Letsopa Advice Centre? Letsopa Advice Centre can be abbreviated as LAC What does LAC stand for? LAC stands for Letsopa Advice Centre. What does Letsopa Advice Centre mean?Letsopa Advice Centre is an expansion of LAC
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Alternative definitions of LAC
- Los Angeles Chargers
- Los Angeles County
- Los Angeles Clippers
- Laceration
- Licensed Acupuncturist
- Local Area Coverage
- Legislative Audit Commission
- Linear Algebra Classes
View 141 other definitions of LAC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- LC Life Centre
- LA Little Angels
- LTG LiveToGive
- LLRDVCCDC Loago La Rona Domestic Violence Care and Community Development Center
- LAV Lukoki Africa Vision
- LAADR L'Association d'Aide au Développement Rural
- LALMEE L'Association Libanaise pour la Maîtrise de l'Energie et de l'Environnement
- LASE Labor Assocation for Studies and Employment
- LATETIHA LATET - Israeli Humanitarian Aid
- LAA Leadership Advancement Association
- LM&HA Leadership for international Medical &Humanitarian Aids
- LLWR League of Lebanese Women Rights
- LAD Lebanese Association for Development
- LAND Lebanese Association for NGOs Development
- LADPFC Lebanese Association for the Development of Private Funding for Culture
- LASOSCV Lebanese Association of SOS Children's Villages
- LCPS Lebanese Center for Policy Studies
- LFPCP Lebanese Foundation for Permanent Civil Peace
- LGBC Lebanese German Business Council of Lebanon
- LIB Lebanese Institution for the Blind